Using the Law to Help Build Collective Power
We believe lawyering can be a tool to support the collective power of communities challenging the carceral system, and we work collaboratively to put those ideas to work. Our legal advocacy takes on the roots and branches of mass incarceration by working directly alongside communities and campaigns challenging the carceral system. From resisting the growth of carceral infrastructure to seeding collective interventions that target plea bargaining and build up the power of juries, we make concrete steps forward against mass incarceration.

Teaching New Models of Advocacy
Drawing on our experience lawyering within organizer-led campaigns, and leveraging our unique position as educators at Harvard Law School, we are helping to develop and teach new models of movement-oriented lawyering. Through convenings, novel trainings, and an intensive clinical program, we are helping to grow new tools to help end mass incarceration, and are training the future leaders who will put them to use.

Catalyzing Decarceral Thinking
We draw together diverse groups of thinkers and doers to nurture and catalyze bold new ideas to end mass incarceration. Our magazine, Inquest, is a leading forum for decarceral brainstorms. And our fellows work to drive decarceral change.
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